School Sponsors

The sponsors for children are very important, but they are not the only way you can be involved in the school.   We like it when people have wonderful ideas of how they can be part of the school without necessarily having one assigned child.

Buy a Breakfast Plate:  The kids will receive a small breakfast each morning at 7:30.  For $0.50 per child, you can provide breakfast.  For only $80 per day, you can buy breakfast for all of the children!

Buy a Hot Lunch:  The kids will also receive a hot lunch each day with protein and vegetables.  For only $0.75 per child, you can buy a hot lunch.  For $120 per day, you can buy lunch for all of the kids!

Class to Class:  One way to teach children about giving to others is to allow them to be actively involved in helping.  For example, we would love for a first grade class to sponsor our first grade class.  This would allow them to learn about similarities and differences of other cultures from people their own age.  This would be excellent for an AWANA’s group or missions group also.  There is no minimum or maximum for this partnership.

Fill Our Shelves:  We are working hard on filling the shelves of our school library and classroom libraries.  We want the children to have access to all types of literature.

Computer Lab:  We would like to have a computer lab where every child will have a computer.  Due to the size of computers, it is best to purchase them in Guatemala.  The computers will cost approximately $800.

Operational Cost:  The operational cost for electricity, resources, salaries, etc will only increase as our number of students increase. You can be part of helping the overall performance of the school by giving to the operational cost.

There is no greater investment than in the life of a child!

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